Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Miyazaki in Kyushu probably has the consistently best
waves in Japan. If you enjoy big city life it might be a tough
place to live as it's a bit remote and slower paced. I loved it.

The profile of Miyazaki has recently been raised due
to their tireless celebrity Governor Higashikokubara,
a former comedian and TV presenter.
For more information on Governor Higashikokubara check out this
not completely flattering link:
Despite the incidents in his past he's
very popular and it seems like he's on TV virtually
everyday promoting something Miyazaki.

This is me on the overnight ferry in Osaka
Next stop Miyazaki.

Better surf than it looks. I don't know if the locals knew
something I didn't because they all were sitting on the
inside while me and one other guy had the outside
with good waves all to ourselves. Go figure.

Takachiho, Miyazaki
This is an important place in Japanese mythology.
It is where the founding god of Japan supposedly
descended from heaven. Many of the local shrines
have regular performances of the Japanese creation myth.
If I remember correctly this is Takachiho Shrine.

Takachiho Gorge, Miyazaki

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