Monday, January 31, 2011


The Great Wall of China. A friend had told me it would be more
dramatic and impressive than I expected and it definitely was.
It was the off-season and we had this section virtually all to ourselves
Forbidden City, Beijing, China
The Forbidden City, Beijing. It's an amazing place with lots of places
to wander around. It was also one of the coldest days I've ever experienced.
I look a little demented but I'm just looking forward to eating another delicious lamb skewer.
A scenic canal town outside of Shanghai. We missed the bus out there
and paid about $50 for a taxi. It cost us $2 to get back to Shanghai on a local bus.
Asking some local kids for directions. They didn't speak English so we'd have to write
down the Chinese characters of our destination and they'd point us in the right direction
Trying to decide between the watermelon or pineapple. Where is it coming from in mid-winter?
Standing on the glass-bottomed observation deck of the Pearl Tower in Shanghai.
I was hoping it might help me overcome my fear of heights but it didn't work.
One of the street food stalls just down the street from our hotel in Shanghai.

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