Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I usually go to Kyoto three or four times a year. It's a great place
to see in the different seasons although mid-summer and
mid-winter are both pretty brutal. Of course the major temples
are usually quite crowded but it's fairly easy to find beautiful
out of the way places that still retain the Kyoto "hannari" atmosphere.
Hannari, as far as I understand it, means a kind of elegant beauty.

Anyone who has ever been to Kyoto has (or should have) this exact same photo!
Kinkakuji/The Golden Pavilion

Koto-in at Diatokuji Temple 京都のちょっとした穴場
Lanterns at Yasaka Jinja Gion, Kyoto
The lanterns have the names of companies or people
who have made contributions to the temple
Kiyomizu Temple, Kyoto
There is a famous Japanese saying that when you do something risky,
take a big chance on something or take a leap into the unknown you are
"Jumping off the platform at Kiyomizu Temple"
That's the platform behind me. Of course, really jumping
off it would probably be fatal.

Geisha trainees called "Maiko" and a local pensioner
No doubt they are talking baseball or sharing stock tips.

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