Monday, October 19, 2009


A city famous the world over due to having been
the second city to suffer an atomic bomb attack.
A pretty city in a beautiful setting with a long history
of contact with the outside world. Nagasaki was one of
only places in Japan that maintained some contact with
western countries when Japan was largely closed to the
outside world. This is me relaxing and waiting for my tea
to come at a small museum in Nagasaki's Chinatown.

This is a photo from a house in Glover
garden where some of the wealthy western traders
lived when Japan opened back up to the west in the
late 19th century. The weather wasn't the best that day
but maybe you can get a sense of the scenery of
the city and it's wonderful setting on the harbor. This is
looking toward the city while to the left the
harbor eventually opens up to the open sea.

Dejima is the very small
island in the harbor on which the Dutch traders were housed.
This photo is of the inside of what a Dutch traders house
on Dejima might have looked like; it's an interesting
combination of Japanese and western styles.
My favorite part of Nagasaki was the quiet and atmospheric Chinatown
(at least it was on the days I was there).

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