Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Takayama in Gifu prefecture is apparently the largest city in Japan in area.
I can believe it. I've driven up there a few times and coming from the south
you see a sign "Takayama city limit" about 50 kilometers away in the middle
of nowhere. It's got a pleasant little town center to walk around, a cool
outdoor cultural museum and is known for having lots of sake breweries,
a great festival and an interesting souvenir doll called a "Saru bobo."

Akiko, myself (looking distinctly uncomfortable) and some Saru bobo
at the outdoor museum, Hida Minzoku Mura 飛騨民俗村

A small neighborhood festival in Takayama.
Unfortunately, not the one Takayama is famous for.
This couple was holding hands until the instant
before I snapped this pic.

A side street in Takayama. Like many places in
Japan, especially tourist destinations, the main
sights will be wall to wall people but a few minutes
walk will bring you to completely empty spaces.
One of the things I love about this country.

This is how mom and I got from Hamamatsu to Takayama!
Everyone who sees this thinks it's Kyoto.
It's hard not to feel goofy and embarrassed riding
a rickshaw. It was quite fun actually.


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