Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nozawa Onsen

Nozawa Onsen

Nozawa Onsen is a great little hot spring village in Nagano prefecture.
I go up there at least once every winter. Nozawa is very popular with Aussies
and on weekdays it often seems like half the people on the mountain are
non-Japanese. Japanese are seemingly always anxious when lots of foreigners
start showing up someplace in Japan. You hear how places are going to lose their
unique "Japanese-ness" and that sort of thing. My impression, from talking with the
couple who run the inn I always stay at, Minhusku Kakushige,
and the men at the public baths, is that the locals appreciate the visitors but worry
that the town looks less and less Japanese with all the foreign faces. It seems like
run of the mill "shimaguni konjo" (island country mentality) thinking to me. All of the
Australian visitors I've met up there are very positive about Japan and go out
of their way to learn and obey the local customs.

Dinner at the inn. It's hard to beat after a long day on the mountain.
Note the raw horse meat on the right.
it was delicious! After dinner, a stroll down to the local
neighborhood public bath and you're ready for bed by 9:00pm
there might be 50 people in this same picture

Nice and warm in front of the inn on my way back from the hot spring bath

My room with the kotatsu (table with a heater underneath
covered with a blanket) right in the middle

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