Monday, March 1, 2010

Kyushu December 2009

Nagasaki City. New Year's Eve 2009. Very, very cold. Snowed mostly all day long!

Akiko praying devoutly at a temple in Nagasaki's Chinatown

Unzen hot spring, Nagasaki. The bubbling hot water and steam will give you some explanation of the sign "Entrance to Hell"

Unzen, Nagasaki. This sign says "Entrance to Hell." It's nice of them to warn us before we enter.

Another city named after the current US president. They must really love him over here in Japan!

One of the two eruptions while we were on the island. Vaguely ominous but very cool to see!

On the car ferry to Sakurajima in Kagoshima City. An active volcano which was very cool to see. Rather than a dramatic massive eruption, it blows steam and ash 3 or 4 times a day. We took a leisurely drive around the island and found that many parts of it are permanently covered in a layer of ash.

On the way to Kyushu we took a side trip to Easter Island 10,000 kilometers out of the way in the south Pacific. Just kidding. This is a tourist attraction in Miyazaki prefecture. Kind of a tourist trap but the scenery is stunning. Reminds me a lot of the central California coast.

On the overnight ferry from Osaka to Miyazaki. We had second class beds in a room with 12 beds. It was very comfortable but unfortunately there were kids crying all night long maing it hard to get a good nights sleep.

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